The Numbers
At unPOP we stop the scroll by making videos that people actually want to watch. These are just a few case studies, we'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Click the images to watch the videos.
We created a series of videos for Chipolte highlighting fresh ingredients and a fun brand. Burritos go trick or treating and we roll perfect tacos with a bit of stop motion magic.
Views: 314,086
Likes: 69,538
Comments: 1,478
We build the iconic hourglass Coke bottle with every red object we can find- then we reach in and grab it for a final stop motion twist.
Views: 17,118
Likes: 9,178
2x more views than average pos
One of unPOP’s signature techniques is building a product out of unexpected materials. Starbucks’ red holiday cup gets unPOPped here, with red and green leaves forming the iconic cup out of thin air.
Impressions: 401,109
Views: 2,800
Total Engagements: 12,937
Likes: 1,940
Retweets: 652
Link clicks: 179
We created this content for Samsung’s YouTube campaign.
It was super successful on the platform and super fun for us to make!
Views: 5,845,175
Likes: 1,578
Total Engagements: 6,920
Hard Rock Cafe
We went around the world in 13 burgers, food styling each burger and hand-crafting sets from scratch to capture the flavor of each region. We brought to the table many production techniques to showcase Hard Rock’s global reach.
unPOP’s content increased social engagement tenfold versus the prior year.
3.2 million video views
~15MM more social engagements across Hardrock locations to monthly totals
Verizon: LoMejorDeMi
We directed this campaign for our agency partner The Community. Every day for a month, one Verizon phone was passed, hand to hand, across the US, capturing the diverse passions of US Hispanics, live on Facebook. The execution was That’s Lo Mejor De Mi.
Views on Facebook: 23M
Online impressions: 123M
Engagement Rate: 6%
Click-Through rate: 2.11%
Ordinary objects from a healthy lifestyle assemble to create a bottle of Bonafont water.
Views: 154,702
Likes: 34,128
Comments: 586