Sesame Street Recipes
We worked with Sesame Street to create this suite of recipe videos for real parents.
They needed to be fun to watch, easy to follow, and tasty.
Services: Script, Direction, Food Styling, Stop Motion Animation, Editing, Post-Production, Social Content
Sesame Street Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Sesame Street brought us on to create this animation for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! We used a style called Strata-Stencil. Strata Stencil is an additive animation technique. Stencils (usually cut from paper) are layered on top of each other so that multiple stencils are visible. This allows you to see the previous and past frames. It also creates a ghosting effect which gives the animation a sense of falling away from the viewer. In this case, we created a vortex of cookies that eventually end up in Cookie Monster’s mouth!
Services: Script, Direction, Styling, Stop Motion Animation, Editing, Post-Production, Social Content
Sesame Street Social
We love working with the team at Sesame Street. They brought us on to make some content for their social channels. We came back with a Rube Goldberg machine in honor of our favorite slightly grumpy muppet, Bert. How many Bert references can you find?